Why does every country's SOF look the same? | Multicam in the KSK

The Kommandospezialkräfte and Crye Precision Multicam

   KSK - 2014

Intro -

The classic Flecktarn camouflage pattern is synonymous with Germany and it's Bundeswehr, dating back to the 90s with the reunification of East and West Germany. Despite minor color pattern adjustments, it has been a staple of the German Armed Forces to this day. However, it is not entirely uncommon to see Kommandos using patterns other than the iconic 5 or 3 farbetarndruck. In fact, it seems numerous SOF groups around the globe have collectively agreed to use the Crye Precision Multicam pattern, including those from Germany, Belgium, Canada, Norway, and Russia. 

Operator's Choice -

Multicam has been a "cool-guy" camo pattern for years, though it seems strange to go out of your way to buy another expensive work uniform when you get seemingly perfectly good ones issued to you already. Nevertheless, it made it's way into common use with Kommandos as early as 2010. In an interview with a KSK member, we asked him why he and his peers preferred to use Multicam uniforms over the BUND issued 5ftd ones, whether that was Scharrer or LHT. Plainly put, "It was simply better." From the early 2000s to the early 2010s, no official combat shirt was issued to the KSK in 3ftd or 5ftd. Multicam not only worked well in the environments the soldaten operated in, but it was readily available from a variety of manufacturers. In fact, Bundeswehr members had to go out of their way to procure custom made combat shirts in German patterns from Crye Precision, which are highly sought after today. 

Recent KSK w/ a classic G2 AC 3ftd Shirt

Second, even though they did have LHT-made issued combat shirts by 2016, they, according to the operator interviewed, were often deemed as "too hot" and "plasticky" due to the fire-resistant material. He was clear to mention that the KSK is the only unit in the German military with the clearance to do this, a right which he exercised often. I am sure there are many other reasons why a KSK member would choose another uniform, however these are the ones that have been clearly expressed to me. 

Crye or Die! -

As early as 2010, Multicam was the pattern of choice for KSK members on deployment. One style was particularly common at this time, and it happens to be one of the most popular Multicam uniforms ever created, the Crye Precision Gen 2, or Army Custom version. This appeared in large quantities in the KSK, as seen in the photos below. 

KSK - 2012

KSK ~ 2012

However, Crye was not the only type used early on. US Army Massif combat shirts were used, in addition to other, oddball brands. One of these can be seen here: 

KSK ~ 2012

Nevertheless, Crye persisted. The uniform was still the top dog in the KSK, and it could be seen well beyond the use of Massif and other outdated combat shirts. 

KSK - 2014

KSK ~ 2016(?)

The Dead Bird -

While Crye remained popular long after it was introduced, around 2014 another flashy uniform rose in popularity with the KSK. The "Ded Bird" a.k.a. Arc'Teryx became a uniform you'd not only see used, but also mixed with Crye's clothing. The Talos model was one of the only types used in large, however, I am not certain as to why. It could have been certain design choices or availability, but i'd be curious to find out more. Regardless, it was seen so commonly that I was convinced to buy my own. I will review it soon and post it here! 

KSK - 2017

KSK - 2017

KSK - 2017

Closing in on the Future -

It is sad to say, but Multicam and the KSK seem to have had some serious relationship troubles lately. With the recent introduction of Multitarn, fewer and fewer deployment and publicity photos have shown operators using the classic US pattern. Whether or not this will continue to be the trend, we will have to wait and see. Who knows, it could still be the clothing of choice that we civilians will never see. However, for now, hold that Multicam close and let it fade away peacefully. 

KSK - 2021


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